2GuysTek on YouTube!

The home of all of our video content! We strive to bring your entertaining, informed, and helpful videos that focus homelabbing, self-hosting, and a variety of other technology reviews and tech DIY content!

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Follow us on Instagram!

Of course we're on Instagram! And we'd love for you to follow us! We're more than just pretty pictures, I swear it!

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Tech Chats Podcast!

We get it! It's hard to sit down and watch videos on the go! So why not listen to our Tech Chats podcast with Rich and Branden?! Available here or on your favorite podcast platform!

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Follow us on Twitter!

Yes, we're on Twitter, no Rich doesn't really dig it. And yes, we know this is the old Twitter icon. If you like Twitter, follow us and tell us how we should use it more.

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Join our Discord!

Connect with us and an entire community of people who have the same passions that you do! Totally free, no paywalls, all on Discord!

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Follow us on Facebook!

We get it! Facebook is for your parents, but they love tech too! So if you're on Facebook why not give us a follow?

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2GT Swag Shop!

Get Some Swag and help support our channel at the same time! It's kinda a win-win, ya know?

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Got something to say? Contact us!

Are you a company who wants to talk to us about taking a look at your cool new piece of hardware or software? Contact us via email, or on the chat bubble below, and we can talk about reviews and sponsorship opportunities!

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Who is 2GuysTek anyway?

2GuysTek is a YouTube channel created by Rich Teslow and Jon Goodwin. We have a passion for all things technology, homelabbing, self-hosting, and PCs! Our goal is to create entertaining and educational videos about building and running your own homelab, servers, networking, and all manners of Tech-DIY to help you get more out of your passions and profession! Consider subscribing to our channel and joining our Discord to hang out and chat with us and many other like-minded homelabbers geeks just like you! Thanks for stopping by!